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I enjoyed reading your post. I just found out that there are plenty of techniques which can be used to relief stress. I tried some of them and they work pretty well for me. Give it a try at http://www.howtorelievestress.org

Child Learning

It is not necessary that parents should always look for Child learning. Children for every second learn a new thing. We need to see that while children are young we need to do many activities to strengthen their large and small muscles. Muscle skill development and maintaining a healthy body are especially important for future reading, writing, and math success.

Rae Pica

Yea, Jill! You may be preaching to the choir (me), but I don't think this particular sermon can be said often enough! : )

In addition to Carla Hannaford's Smart Moves, which is at the very top of my list of favorite professional books, I'd recommend that your readers look into some of Eric Jensen's books. Among them are Brain-Based Learning and Learning with the Body in Mind.

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