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Devra Renner

Thanks for the great mention of our book! Aviva and I have a goal of absolving guilt...one mommy (or daddy) at a time. We'll just wave our Mommy Guilt Absolution wand over you, so you need not feel guilty about not reading our book. We love the post you have written about a topic we obviously think is really important to discuss we wrote a book about it. I hope you will come and visit us at Parentopia and thanks again for mentioning our book! (and to make you feel even better about not having read it, you are in good company, because my husband hasn't read it yet either!)

Jill Urbane, The Mentor Mom

Where can I get one of those Mommy Guilt Absolution wands?! I've got your book on my summer read list :) Thanks so much for swinging by my blog!

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